Document Type



This study aims to investigate the enduring impact of prior sport-related concussions on static and dynamic balance performance among collegiate football players. Twenty-six players (n=26), half with a history of diagnosed concussions (n=13). underwent balance testing using the Biosway Balance Error Scoring Scale test (BESS) for static balance, and the Y-Balance test (YBT) for dynamic balance. The Biosway test revealed notable statistical discrepancies in BESS composite scores between groups (p=0.010) and individual test items such as single leg stance with eyes closed (p=0.034) and tandem stance with eyes closed (p=0.030). No significant difference in the YBT composite scores between groups, but did show crucial disparities in anterior reach (p=0.003 : 67.19cm +/- 4.7cm) and total number of errors committed during the test (p=0.036). These findings strongly suggest that prior sport-related concussions may exert enduring detrimental effects on the ability to maintain adequate neuromuscular control in lower extremities during specific balance tasks. Specifically, those where stressors, such as taking away visual cues, which may create inadequacies in sensory input that would increase the cognitive demand of maintaining balance. Such implications extend beyond immediate clinical diagnosis, potentially impacting long-term athletic performance and necessitating ongoing balance assessments for athletes, beyond current return-to-play evaluations. This research underscores the critical importance of understanding the persistent repercussions of concussions on sensorimotor functionality, advocating for proactive measures to address and mitigate these lasting impairments in sports concussion management protocols.


Applied Health Sciences

Date Accepted/Awarded

Spring 6-2024

First Advisor/Reader

Leah Jackson

Terms of Use and License Information

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
